Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Answer these questions on my Psychology Quiz?

I got a online quiz and dont have my book :( its due today at midnight these are the questions

1) Which is the most prevalent disorder in the U.S.?

a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

b. Major Depressive Disorder

c. Bipolar Disorder

d. Schizophrenia

2) Horace has a mood disorder and has recently sought treatment for it. The therapist explained that his mood disorder stems from not having enough of certain neurotransmitters. From which psychological perspective is this explanation?

a. the learning perspective

b. the biological perspective

c. the cognitive perspective

d. the psychodynamic perspective

4) Having two or more personalities with the same person, often with the personalities being unaware of one another, is known as ___________________.

a. gender identity disorder

b. dissociative identity disorder

c. dissociative fugue

d. dissociative amnesiaAnswer these questions on my Psychology Quiz?
1. a

2. b

4. b

8. b

10. aAnswer these questions on my Psychology Quiz?
1- a


4-bAnswer these questions on my Psychology Quiz?
James is right, everyone else is wrong. i'm a Psych major and we just went over this.
I shouldn't (And I'm working from educated guesses)

1. a

2. b (discusses biological causes, rather than learned behavior)

4. b (again. I am fairly sure on this one - it's a fairly rare disorder but an interesting one)

8.a (an obsession is the thought, a delusion is a mistaken belief, and a manic episode involves excessive energy/impulsiveness)

10. a (Not to be confused with obsessive compulsive disorder, which is different despite the similar name).

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