Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is the relationship between serious dissociation and panic attacks?

Has anyone ever experienced a dissociative fugue, amnesia, or multiple personality disorder? Can you please tell me the circumstances that surrounded it? How common is it? I ask because I suffer from anxiety/depersonalization/derealization. I know it sounds and is irrational, but I have a fear that I will forget who I am, and who the people are in my life. I am wondering if a fugue or amnesia happen gradually, or apruptly? In either case, did you have any symptoms leading up to the dissociation?What is the relationship between serious dissociation and panic attacks?
sometimes I do and others' not (have symptoms leading up to the dissociation) if i get triggered by something in my home or in my therapists' office I will feel myself click apart from me in a slow motion way and since I know it is happening it scares me to death, breaking apart like that, and then I really start telescoping away and begin to have a mini nervous breakdown, i.e. really bad panic attack. I am left dumbstruck and shell shocked, and by the time I come back together again I am totally exhausted, and serve only to sleep.

sometimes I will dissociate in a flash and when that happens I turn totally inward like an autistic person to which depths vary in degrees. Time will be gone giving me big hints that I have vacated the body.

amnesia happens for me randomly and quite often. I know this because people tell me things I have done or experienced, or places I have been to and I honestly cannot remember

symptoms leading up to it are in the knitting of the brow, furrowing of ones' face, tension in the jaw and shoulders, feeling worried something is impending...

I am learning a lot in this area (:

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