Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is the difference between complex PTSD and PTSD?

I had ptsd before, my new diagnose is cptsd, what is the difference?

How can I treat myself, I`m really motivated.

I have other diagnoses like dissociative disorder, and dissociative amnesia.

What can I do? I need to change my thinking, how can I do this?What is the difference between complex PTSD and PTSD?
Chronic PTSD is do to extended trauma and/or abuse. Kids who grow up with abusive parents or in war torn countries both end up with complex PTSD.

Acute PTSD, in contrast, typically occurs from one marked traumatic event. For example, escaping the twin towers on 9-11 or a horrible car accident.

Though many symptoms of both types of PTSD might look the same, the treatment is somewhat different. Someone with complex PTSD might not have had a supportive and safe environment as a child to learn about boundaries and safety and love.Thy tend to err towards a higher level of dissociation. They might not have a fully developed sense of self and they have never learned that the world is relatively safe. While individuals with acute trauma typically have a decent support system and grounding in life.

If you are really motivated to get better, I would suggest going to therapy. A therapist will be able to work with you so you are able to learn grounding and coping skills to combat the dissociation, flashbacks, panic and so forth. There are all sorts of coping skills you can learn about, though without coaching they will be hard to do. Check out DBT ( Some people choose to process their memories, some do not and work to contain and cope without diving into them. That is a personal choice for each individual.

The theory on processing memories is to face them and acknowledge the acts as well as the feeling so that it will not keep coming up. We have flashbacks because these memories have not been properly filed away. It is like they are piled up in our in box and we keep glancing at them but not long enough to actually read through it and put it in its proper place. Working with a therapist to do that is hard and not for everyone. Some choose to use EMDR (, other choose different techniques.

I'm not sure if one can really 'recover' from complex PTSD on their own. I know some do create their own coping skills that work, but a typical individual with complex PTSD will struggle with interpersonal relations which I don't believe can always be faced without outsider input. I know I could never do it alone.What is the difference between complex PTSD and PTSD?
What you believe will happen if you allow it. There is always hope. No one is without PTSD.

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What is the difference between complex PTSD and PTSD?
Complex PTSD is the diagnosis of long-term trauma. For instance abuse through your childhood.

That would mean that PTSD would be any other trauma. That's of course very simplistic but there it is.

How do you treat it yourself. You can't.

You need to see a therapist
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